Ready to Plow Bomb Cyclone Fuquay, Holly Spring, Cary, and Raleigh

Ready to Plow Bomb Cyclone Fuquay, Holly Spring, Cary, and Raleigh

Bomb Cyclone Snow Storm!!

It’s snowing outside.  While this storm has crept up on some people, we here at NC Sod and Mulch have been watching the weather carefully the past two weeks.  We are old hands at snow removal, having spent over two decades in the snow removal industry in the northeast.  Ten years of that experience as managers of many crews.

Don’t let this scary snow storm leave you out in the cold.  Look no further and give us a call today at (919) 802-6100.  We have all the equipment on hand to take care of your snow removal and ice management needs.

In addition to plowing commercial parking lots, we also shovel walks and entrances.  We have salt and our special 4 way ice melt on hand to prevent slip and falls.

We are open 24 hours during this snow event.  Give us a call to request service!

Ready to Plow Snow

It’s snowing!  While this storm has crept up on some people, for old hands at snow like ours, this isn’t a worrisome event.  Today we added another layer of clothing, and buckled down to work.  All trucks were overhauled and inspected.  All our machines were greased, fueled up, and anything that needed tweaking was tweaked.  We brought back two trucks from Long Island to assist with the Raleigh snow removal endeavors.

snow plow equipment


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