Here’s some of the latest news and updates from the NC Sod & Mulch team. Enjoy!

Raleigh Compadre Zoysia Lawn

We had the pleasure of working with Lisa from Raleigh in the beginning of December.  She was finishing up the renovations on her house and asked us to install compadre zoysia sod in her yard.  We had a great time and we were so happy to give her a gorgeous lawn.  Even...

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Empire Zoysia Lawns

Empire Zoysia is a newer zoysia turf grass that we have just started to use in the past three years.  We were leery about it because it's a newer turf grass.  Empire Zoysia has excellent drought tolerance and has won awards for its resistance to spring dead spot. ...

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Summer 2016 is the time for Bermuda

We are very excited to offer all our customers in Raleigh and the surrounding towns a new Bermuda grass.  The last several years we have seen a Bermuda shortage.  This is not the case for this year.  We have gorgeous NorthBridge and Discovery Bermuda grass.

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Ready to Plow Snow

It's snowing!  While this storm has crept up on some people, for old hands at snow like ours, this isn't a worrisome event.  Today we added another layer of clothing, and buckled down to work.  All trucks were overhauled and inspected.  All our machines were greased,...

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Graded Driveway, Raleigh

Graded Driveway, Raleigh

Late last week we were called to restore a gravel driveway in Raleigh.  The hard rains from earlier this year had washed away a lot of his stone.  It was decided that 78m stone was the way to go.  The pea gravel is a nice gray color and is small, so it's a great base...

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Back Yard Restoration in Holly Springs

We received a phone call last week from a customer that wanted us to move her swing set.  After talking to her, we provided her with a estimate to restore her backyard with Compadre Zoysia Sod, move her swing set, and install playground mulch and premium triple shred....

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Mulch Install, Cary

Mulch Install, Cary

There are many benefits to installing mulch every year or so.  Some people do not realize that mulching is done, not just for curb appeal, but several reasons.  A good premium triple shred mulch provides nutrients to the soil as it breaks down over time, it inhibits...

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Gravel Driveway

We do a lot of sod installations, but we don't want people to think that that is all we do.  We love regrading gravel driveways!  It's one of John's favorite things to do.  He says "sometimes it's nice to climb into my machine and spread some gravel instead of moving...

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Tall Fescue in Durham

Our team was in Durham a few months ago.  It was decided that Tall Fescue was the best grass for the area.  A cold season grass, Fescue stays green all winter long.  Due to the amount of shade, Tall Fescue was the best option for our customer in Durham. To cut down on...

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Cary Sod Installation

We had the pleasure a while ago of installing Compadre Zoysia sod for a homeowner that was trying to sell their house in Cary.  Compadre Zoysia was chosen due to its tolerance for drought and high traffic.  It was our pleasure to enhance the curb appeal of their...

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