NorthBridge BermudaGrass Sod

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A new variety that was developed by Oklahoma State University Breeding Program, NorthBridge BermudaGrass has been proven time and again to be an excellent turf grass.  We have installed NorthBridge all over the Triangle area the past two years.

  • It has great wear resistance and rebounds from damage due to high traffic, pets, and children.
  • It stays green longer than 419 and greens up faster than the other Bermuda varieties.
  • It has won awards at Oklahoma State for its strength tolerance.

We recommend NorthBridge for residential and commercial lawns, and even sports fields.  It has a dark green color and the blade width is 1.67 mm.  It is a soft grass.   It has reduced spring dead spot so it is less prone to winter damage than all the other Bermuda varieties.  NorthBridge Bermuda has moderate shade tolerance.  Give it a few hours of sun a day and it will thrive!

Contact us for the price of NorthBridge BermudaGrass

Delivery fees will apply if the Customer needs the pallet delivered.  Installation pricing requires an estimate.

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